Pilot Mental Health Resources in the United States These resources for pilots offer various forms of support, including crisis intervention, counseling, referrals to treatment services, and educational resources, catering to individuals and families dealing with...
A Little Background In 2010, over a span of 3 weeks, with the generous support of aircraft owners who gave me access to their planes, friends who helped financially, and those that helped with flying, I was able to make over 70 flights in support of earthquake relief...
Powerful images captured by Robert Caplin From vimeo: The following are some random video clips taken from my brief trip to Haiti with an organization called Corporate Aviation Responding in Emergencies (C.A.R.E.) which is a group of volunteers from the business...
USA Today covered furloughed professionals in a variety of occupations and what they’re spending their free time on. Rich Pickett, chief information officer at San Diego State University, is a pilot who used furlough and vacation days to fly earthquake relief...
Cross-posted from San Diego State University’s blog: Our time helping in Haiti, while very intense, was a small snippet of what is being provided by thousands of individuals and organizations helping that country. Everyone we met had a common goal, that is...
The Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog posted a short interview of our relief efforts in Haiti. The San Diego State University chief information officer has been flying people and supplies back and forth to Haiti since last week. Now, as he talks to a reporter...