Aviation Articles
"Rich's articles contain a wealth of information for pilots."

March 2022 - Flying to Mexico - Twin & Turbine
Come fly with us to México and see how fun and enjoyable it can be!
January 2022 - Tecnam P2012 - Twin & Turbine
Rich gets to test fly the powerful and elegant Italian Tecnam P2012.
March 2021 - Eclipse Jet the Ins and Outs of Ownership - Twin & Turbine
What it's like owning and operating the world's first very light jet, the Eclipse Jet.
Feb 2021 - MyGoFlight - Twin & Turbine
Exploring the latest iPad and EFB accessories from MyGoFlight.
November 2020 - Pilatus PC-12 NGX - Twin & Turbine
Take a ride in the newest update to the Pilatus PC-12 in this NGX version.
September 2020 - Premier - Twin & Turbine
Training and getting a type rating in the Premier jet by Beechcraft.
March 2020 - Garmin GTNxi: - Twin & Turbine
The latest avionics upgrades and navigation options from Garmin.
December 2019 - Epic 1000 - En Route Section - Twin & Turbine
Rich tests and reports on the updated BOSE ProFlight Series 2 headsets.
December 2019 – Pilatus Unveils PC-12 NGX - Twin & Turbine
Pilatus reveals the latest NGX updates to its legendary PC-12 aircraft.
July 2019 - JetShades Review - Malibu Mirage Owners Magazine
Continuing on reviewing Jet Shades - now with premium shades for the Piper Malibu, Mirage, and Meridian.
May 2019 - Jet Shades Review - COPA Magazine
The Cirrus with the panoramic view need shade and Jet Shades do the job.
iApril 2019 - Vision Jet G2 Upgrade - Twin and Turbine Magazine
Cirrus Aircraft upgraded their Vison Jet to the G2. Rich flies it around the southeast in this review.
March 2019 - JetShades Review - Twin and Turbine
The view from our cockpit is great, but sometimes can be very hot! Rich reviews Jet Shades products that keep us cool.
January 2019 - GoGo Avance L3 & L5 - Twin and Turbine Magazine
Inflight connectivity is essential for some operators. This review details the latest Gogo Avance L3 and L5 connectivity options.
January 2019 - HondaJet Elite - Twin and Turbine
HondaJet updated their popular jet to the HondaJet Elite - offering more features. Fly along with Rich as he reviews this innovative aircraft.
June 2018 - Tamarack Winglets for CJ3 - Twin and Turbine Magazine
Tamarack Aerospace developed active winglets for a variety of Aircraft. In this article, Rich test flies two Cessna Citation CJ3s equipped with this new product.
March 2018 - Piper Meridian Oceanic Flight - Malibu and Mirage Owners and Pilot Association (MMOPA) Magazine
From Sea to Shining Sea. A travelogue on flying a Piper Meridian from San Diego California to Barcelona Spain, and a few places in between.