The Cessna Citation Mustang is an amazing VLJ. Cessna has incorporated many of the systems you would find in much larger jets. Able to fly over 1,100 nm and cruise at FL410, the Mustang has proven itself as a very capable, and reliable, aircraft. With the use of advanced avionics in its Garmin G1000 suite it offers the single pilot a very efficient cockpit with excellent performance.
The Mustang is a great option for the high-performance pilot who is interested in transitioning to a jet.
Safe & Fun Cessna Citation Mustang Training
Whether this is your first jet, or if you have several type ratings, professional training is important. Some pilots decide to obtain their type rating through a flight simulator course. The flight simulator course offered by Flight Safety, and others, is a great method of obtaining an initial type rating, or recurrent training.
Another option for new Mustang pilots is to train in their aircraft for the type rating. This provides the opportunity to experience actual flight scenarios and can provide a great alternative to an all-simulator course. We recommend pilots also attend a shortened simulator course, when obtaining their type rating in the aircraft.
If you choose to obtain your Cessna Mustang type rating in the aircraft, or just want some additional instruction, Personal Wings can provide instruction in your aircraft.

Citation Mustang left engine with cowl off